It can even duplicate trinkets, unique items, and upgrade stones. The first disc unlocks operation of the machine, while the other discs grant the player the ability to unlock duping of higher-tier equipment and items.

To use the Super Duper, players must locate Duper Discs throughout the yard. Players will find the Super Duper machine the next time they visit BURG.L! This machine will allow players to duplicate specific equipment and items using Raw Science. The Super Duper is a new piece of equipment installed in the Oak Lab. But first, let’s dive into the Super Duper… an item duplication machine! THE SUPER DUPER UPDATE Item Duplication Rightfully titled The Super Duper update, this massive update brings with it many quality-of-life changes, more than a hundred new items to craft, a brand new Base Coziness feature, and wasps, a new terrifying creature to fight. The Grounded team is excited to bring Update 1.2.0 to the community today. It’s the update that will bring the sting of the hive. See what the buzz is about in Update 1.2.0 as we share all the handy features, new creatures, and other significant improvements. Check out the Super Duper update video as you get real cozy at your base and meet the new neighbors in the backyard.